Frequently Asked Questions

What is Packed Promise?

Packed Promise, a program of the Chickasaw Nation, is a home delivery food service. Families approved for the program will gain the ability to shop online through Amazon Business every month. Families will receive an allowance of $60 per child per month to use through Amazon Business.

Does participation in Packed Promise affect government food benefits?

Participation in this program will not affect eligibility for government assistance programs.

How much does it cost to participate?

The program is free to all approved applicants. All food, packaging and shipping is also included at no charge.

Who qualifies for Packed Promise?

Chickasaw students, pre-K through grade 12, who qualify for free or reduced-cost school meals and reside within the Chickasaw Nation boundaries or one of the extended following counties:

  • Atoka
  • Caddo
  • Canadian
  • Cleveland
  • Comanche
  • Cotton
  • Hughes
  • Pittsburg
  • Pottawatomie
  • Seminole

Where can I use my $15 EBT card, and when does it expire?

The $15 EBT cards can be used at grocery stores that accept WIC purchases and participating farmers’ market vendors within the Chickasaw Nation. Use your EBT card to purchase fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. You can see a list of vendors here or find the list included in the food packages.

How often can I order from Amazon Business?

You can order multiple times throughout the month until you have used all of your budget. Any unused funds will rollover to the next month.

How do participants order from Amazon Business?

How to Order with Amazon Business

Who packages and ships the food boxes?

The Chickasaw Nation Packed Promise Program partners with Amazon Business to package and ship to participants’ doorsteps.

How long does it take for the food items to be delivered?

Participants are given Amazon Prime during registration with the ability to choose their desired shipping method at checkout. Packages may arrive on separate days.

Will my Amazon budget affect my Packed Promise EBT produce card?

No, your Amazon budget will not affect your Packed Promise EBT produce card.

How do I learn more?

Call the Packed Promise staff at (844) 230-3785.